The study of the pineal body of Coturnix coturnix france during development; 其个体发育过程中的形态变化和分子生物学变化一直缺乏研究。
Pineal gland ( or pineal body): Endocrine gland in the brain that produces melatonin. 松果体:脑内的内分泌腺体,可调节黑素细胞凝集素的产生。
The major glands of the endocrine system are the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, pancreas, pineal body, and the reproductive organs ( ovaries and testes). 内分泌系统主要的腺体有下视丘、脑下垂体、甲状腺、副甲状腺、肾上腺、胰脏、松果腺及生殖器官(卵巢及睾丸)。
The results showed that the brain sands in human pineal body grouped in the pineal lobules and interlobular septula. 研究表明,人松果体脑砂成群分布,位于松果体小叶和纤维隔内。
Immunohistochemical comparison of functional status of pineal body in Laiwu Black goats between winter and spring 冬春季莱芜黑山羊松果体功能状态的免疫组织化学比较
To explore the structural foundation of a direct extracellular transport pathway of pineal secretions from pineal body to cerebrospinal fluid of subarachnoid space, the superficial pineal body of the rat was observed by transmission electron microscope. 为探讨松果体分泌物在细胞外转运到蛛网膜下隙脑脊液途径的结构基础,本研究运用透射电镜技术对成年大鼠松果体浅部进行了观察。
To study the modulation mechanism of pineal body melatonin in mammalian circadian rhythm, we made an experiment on rats for observing the effect of exogenous melatonin on circadian locomotor rhythm in the pineal body's lesion blind rat. Cosine method was used in data analysis. 为探讨松果体褪黑激素在哺乳动物昼夜节律调控机制中的作用,本工作对外源性褪黑激素对去松果体官大鼠运动活动昼夜节律的影响进行了实验观察。
Conclusion: The regulation of pinealocytes function by the sympathetic nerve fibers entering the pineal body is primarily neurohumoral. 结论:提示进入松果体的交感神经纤维终末对松果体细胞活动的调控主要是通过神经体液途径。
Calcification in human pineal body and its relationship to collagen fibers: an observation by NaOH-maceration and sem-method 人松果体钙化及其与胶原纤维的关系&NaOH消蚀法扫描电镜研究
Morphological Measurement and Analysis on the Development of Human Embryos Pineal Body 人胎松果体发育的形态测量分析
Effect of Exogenous Melatonin on the Circadian Locomotor Rhythm in the Pineal Body's Lesion Blind Rat 外源性褪黑激素对去松果体盲鼠运动性活动昼夜节律的影响
Microanatomy of the vessels of pineal body 松果体血管的显微解剖
The regularity of the change in the levels of melatonin ( MT) in the pineal body, serum and hypothalamus pituitary testicle axis in summer and winter seasons was investigated in rats in order to study "the kidney relating to winter" theory. 肾应冬是中医五脏应时理论的一个组成部分。摘除松果体,探索SD大鼠松果体褪黑素(MT)、血清MT和下丘脑垂体睾丸轴MT冬夏变化规律。
Conclusion The releasing pattern of secretory granules of the pineal body could include a releasing of the whole membrane; 结论松果体分泌颗粒的释放形式,可能存在连同颗粒被膜的整体释放;
The innervation of pineal body 松果体的神经支配
Conclusion Auricular acupuncture, and moxibustion exert the action delaying aging possibly through the regulation on MT and the pineal body. 结论:耳针、艾灸通过对MT及松果体的调节而起到延缓衰老的作用。
Conclusions The seasonal factors can regulate the expression of LH receptors in the rat testicular cell membrane, and the pineal body may be one of the media between the life reproduction and the seasons. 结论季节因素对大鼠睾丸LH受体有调节作用;松果体可能是生殖与季节联系的中介。
An electron microscopic study of rat pineal secretions from pineal body to cerebrospinal fluid of subarachnoid space 大鼠松果体分泌物释放到蛛网膜下隙脑脊液途径的电镜研究
The Calcium/ Phosphorus ratio of brain sands is 2.12. The data presented here suggest that collagen fibers are involved in the genesis and growth of brain sands located in the connective tissue in human pineal body. 钙磷比值约为2.12。研究结果提示,胶原纤维与人松果体结缔组织的钙化的发生和发展密切相关。随发育脑体积增加,髓质占脑体积的比例增加。
Ultrastructural feature and its significance of the blood capillary and secretory granules in monkey pineal body 猴松果体毛细血管和分泌颗粒的超微结构特征及其意义
AIM: To determine the effects of pineal body and melatonin ( Mel) on lymphocyte proliferation and dinoprostone production in rat spleen. 目的:研究松果体和褪黑激素对大鼠脾淋巴细胞增殖及地诺前列酮产生的影响。
Objective To explore the mechanism of regulation of pineal body on circadian rhythm. 目的探讨松果体调节昼夜节律的作用机制。
Electrical responses of the ganglion cell in frog's pineal body to indoleamines 青蛙松果体神经节细胞对吲■胺的电反应
Morphological changes on growth and development of mice pineal body after borne 小鼠松果体生后生长发育的形态变化
ObjectiveFor exploring the ultrastructural feature and its significance of the blood capillary and the pinealocytic secretory granules in the pineal body. 目的探讨松果体内毛细血管和松果体细胞分泌颗粒的超微结构特征及其意义。
ResultsThe blood vessels and capillaries in monkey pineal body existed only in the connective tissue of capsule and interlobular septum, those did not in the pineal parenchymal lobules. 结果猴松果体血管及毛细血管只存在于被囊和小叶间隔的结缔组织内,松果体实质小叶内并无血管。